LMCP, Princess Road, Manchester
0161 226 4632

Vision, Values and Objectives

Learn • Motivate • Change • Prosper

LMCP Vision: To improve equality, wellbeing and independence

LMCP Mission: We work at both grass-roots and strategic levels in partnership with other agencies to promote equalities and maximise learning and research opportunities for all to improve wellbeing and independence.

LMCP Values:
· Integrity
· Excellence
· Respect
· Dignity
· Innovation

Strapline: Learn. Motivate. Change. Prosper.

Learning is at the heart of growth and development. We therefore pride ourselves in being a learning organisation and in facilitating learning for all those we come into contact with – individuals, families, communities, professionals and organisations.

Motivation, both internal and external, is a must for translating learning into action. Through our holistic and person-centred approach we help find motivation, at the outset as well as when it slips, to help achieve the desired outcomes.

Change is a vital ingredient for making progress, whether overcoming fear or anxiety, changing direction, adopting a new habit, removing barriers …

Positive change generally leads to prosperity, be it physical, emotional or financial.

Key Objectives for 2023-24

1)  Deliver commissioned services successfully
2)  Maintain sustainability through collaboration, securing alternative sources of funding, developing marketable services
3)  Build on the organisational changes; develop knowledge and skills of our workforce